Thursday, January 31, 2013

You Like Me!!!

Halleluljah the miracle came early! I just got a summer internship offer. I don't want to say much right now because I'm still in the middle of recruiting with several companies. The job is with a company that has been at the top of my list since before school started.  Hell, I even mentioned them in my Booth career goals essay.  The phone call was very unexpected.  Actually it was so unexpected that I screamed in the recruiter's ear and told her to shut up.  I really do need to handle getting good news better.  Whatever.  So freaking happy right now.

I have an interview tomorrow that I should stay in and prep for...but screw it! I'm going out tonight!


Anonymous said...

They picked you, they chose you, they LOVED you godammit! CONGRATS!

Unknown said...


ak2012 said...

Congratulations! That's great news!